Perhaps not surprisingly, believe it or not, there are still a number of RoboCAD users ploughing their furrow out there.
I say ‘not surprisingly’ because with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) written for MSDOS, which pre-dates Windows 3.11 by a staggering five years, RoboCAD has always been at the pinnacle of WIMPS GUI’s. So much so, that when the first RoboCAD users migrated to CAD4U for Windows they were concerned by the ‘clunky’ look and feel bestowed by the Windows graphics, compared to what they were used to using! Thankfully, since those dark days in and around 1997, Windows performance has improved immeasurably, partly due to Microsoft and partly due to a phenomenal increase in hardware performance.
Now is the time to act and benefit from the advances in Windows and CAD4U.
Why not trial CAD4U now by following the link indicated by our waving hand to your right?